Ladybug Music
Music Classes, Rythmic Chanting, Dance and Movement, Instruments, Parties and More!
0 - Preschool Age
Music classes for babies, toddlers and preschoolers. We offer funky, soulful & eclectic family music in a warm environment that encourages participation and silliness. Our award-winning parent and me classes inspire little ones to express themselves and discover their creativity using their bodies and voices, linking their joy and excitement for music with a connection to their parents and caregivers.Our high quality music curriculum immerses young children in a diverse range of rich, complex music, combined with simple melodies and great rhythms. An eclectic mixture of music from Reggaeton jams to Appalachian lullabies, Surf punk ditties to Brazilian beats, each CD and class introduces your child to pitch, tempo, melody and rhythm (through singing, instruments, dance and more.)
The Pump Station
2415 Wilshire Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
(310) 359-5391