We have a variety of ways to advertise your business to our members, whether it’s a featured class in our app, display advertising on our site or promotions to our email and social media subscriber base, we have options to fit all businesses and budgets.
Product Reviews & Giveaways
We love testing, reviewing and giving away baby and mom related products! What we love most:
babycare (creams, sunscreens, lotions, diapers, wipes...)
adorable baby/toddler clothes #shoplocal
toys and books (for ages 5 and under)
parenting books or DVDs
baby/toddler gear
prenatal or postpartum exercise products or DVDs
baby/toddler food
Please contact us below to send us your goodies! We will freely share our love for your product unless we don't love it... then we'll just stay quiet.
Co-Sponsoring Events
You’ve got something cool to show off in-person, like a venue, workout, class or product? Awesome. We’ve got rad moms we’d like to share it with. Fair warning: you may need to provide wine.
Editorial Content
If you’re a mom or have something interesting and relevant to west LA moms, we want to hear from you. We’re currently accepting proposals for editorial content to share with our audience.
Excited? We are! Contact us below...
Hello and thank you for your interest in westLAmoms! We are just a group of moms trying to stay sane here on the westside of beautiful Los Angeles. If you have a service, product, brand or business that follows our ethos of;
#gettingoutofthehouse (with #babyintow)
then please read below as we'd be happy to work together!